Patrick has no expertise in this field. Just like Bill Gates has no expertise in this field. I think it extremely unfair and unprofessional to attack a man and a theory that might just prove to be factual. He provides a ton of data and research and so far not one naysayer has provided proof to the contrary. I think it would be wise to take a "lets sit back and see" approach. Dr. Ardis has been working with Mike Adams and Stew Peters for more than a couple of weeks. I highly recommend that you watch Mike Adams 3-part interview with Dr. Ardis. Let's not forget that Dr. Ardis was THE FIRST to expose the deadly Remdesivir. Could it be that many of the other experts are feeling a bit threatened by Dr. Ardis in that they may have missed something that Dr. Ardis found? A lot of books have been written, some are about to come out, a lot of conferences have been conducted pushing a narrative and what Dr. Ardis is talking about puts a big fat monkey wrench in their theory. And not one of these naysayers have talked to Dr. Ardis. Patrick.....did you give the man the respect to contact him and talk with him before you attacked?? Were you aware that Dr. Bing Liu, who was murdered just prior to his press conference to disclose his research on COVID, found the snake venom theory. Were you aware of Dr. Braun that 2 years ago also found the snake venom theory and sent his research to the FBI (he has worked closely with the FBI and other government agencies) and his research was ignored. So Dr. Ardis is not the first to come up with this. The Stew Peters interview was lacking in a lot of the proof that Dr. Ardis presented to Mike Adams. I am really disappointed in you. This reaction and the reaction of others that have done ZERO research to actually prove whether this is even a possibility is one I would expect from CDC/NIH/FDA. I think a lot of folks are going to be eating their words.

He states that he got this idea from a TV series called The Blacklist (Season 4, Episode 5) where Red drinks wine laced with a peptide taken from snake venom. This is pure nonsense and gross speculation. HE NEVER SAID THIS. And I have listened to 11 interviews with him on this subject. HE NEVER NEVER SAID THIS.

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Sorry, Karen, but bullying won't cut it here. You should be disappointed with yourself, not with me.

You obviously didn't listen to the original Watch the Water release that I referenced in a link at the very top of my article. Listen to this again -- https://rumble.com/v10mnew-live-world-premiere-watch-the-water.html. At the 36:59 through 39:48 mark - Peters actually played The Blacklist video clip between 36:59 through 39:48 mark, to which Ardis said, "I realized how they were spreading it".

Now, it's obvious that you were triggered by what I wrote, but I suggest you take a deep breath and rethink your position. I would much rather have you as a friend than an enemy, so I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are able to change your mind on this.

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That may hold with the water theory but it is not how he came up with the idea of the venom. The Stew Peters interview was just a tiny tip of the ice berg. I have already watched about 11 interviews with Dr. Ardis on this subject and have read the papers and articles he shared. And I know for a fact he has a lot more than he has shared at this time. It was not so much what you said about him and his theory but how you went about it and in such a short time after the news broke tells me you like others have not taken the time to really sit back and listen and research. The 3-part series with Mike Adams is the best so far. Dr. Ardis also did an interview with Dr. Tau Braun who wrote to the FBI 2 years ago about his findings which were exactly what Dr. Ardis exposed (minus the water). No mention of water and we need to put that aside because it is not the big picture. If we concentrate solely on the water we will miss what is the really important issue. But it is true the CDC has found COVID in the water SO if COVID is in the water and it is proven COIVD and the shot is poisoned then could not also be plausible that our water supply is poisoned. After all they poison us everyday with the fluouride they put in our water. I have a copy of the letter that Dr. Braun sent to the FBI. And of course the FBI acknowledged receipt but he never heard a peep from them after that. And Dr. Bing Liu was murdered and is it a coincidence he was murdered shortly before doing a press conference to reveal his 5 month research on COVID. You might be surprised to know he was on to the same thing. What disappoints me with you is not that you question Ardis but in the manner you did it and in my opinion without any research or even talking with Dr. Ardis you attacked him which makes me feel like you wanted to be first out of the gate to gain some attention on this issue. My fear is that a lot of the naysayers might feel a bit threatened by this information. The medical/science field is very competitive and to have a lowly "chiropractor" (as they love to make a point of) find something they missed challenges their ego. Their books, their presentations past and future could now all be called into question.

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Hi Karen, I'm coming very late to this comment. Patrick Wood linked to articles by Drs James Lyons-Weiler, and Meryl Nass ... They *do* have the expertise in this field that's necessary to really evaluate this ... and maybe snake venom is a foundational aspect of this virus, maybe it was, as Patrick suggested, an inspiration for a gain of function project that ended up being incorporated into Sars2.

But I don't think Dr Ardis has, or could, clearly refute, point by point, what James Lyons-Wieler & Meryl Nass (and also Pierre Kory, and others), say in their responses to Watch the Water.

As Meryl Nass acknoweldged, Dr Ardis has done wonderful, important work in exposing Remdesivir .. Nothing against him personally, but I saw Watch the Water, and the responses to it (by fellow covid dissidents), make more sense to me ...

With respect, and appreciation for your work ...

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Damn, I just wrote a huge long comment and ' then it asked me to log- in, and my comment was lost. I'm not rewriting the whole thing. I agree with you Patrick. I watched, analyzed, did a little research, and everything Ardis said is totally debunkable. If Karen wants real info she should watch the Corona Investigative Committee. The only thing I disagree with you about is your saying there's no biblical support for the idea of humanity changing its nature and becoming unacceptable to God. In my opinion ( and many others) there ' is' support for that: Iron and clay, As in the days of Noah, transhumanism, mRNA, the singularity, nanotechnology.

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I watched the entire Corona committee hearings. Everyone of them and LIVE. I have also watched every interview Dr. Fuellmich has done leading up to the Grand Jury hearing. The point is that what is in COVID and the shot has never been proven. The virus never isolated and the ingredients in the shots not disclosed. What Dr. Ardis has exposed has been exposed by others as well but they never spoke out about it. Dr. Bing Lui was getting ready to expose it and he was conveniently murdered. Why is so hard for people to believe that what we have been told was wrong. Or to at least acknowledge it might just be possible. If Ardis is proven wrong he will be the first to admit it. I am not saying he couldn't be wrong. What I am saying is we shouldn't discount the possibility as so many have done. The fact that so many refused to hear look at the possibilities is why so many are dead today and so many more will die. We live in evil times and there are evil people running this world and to them we are nothing more than useless eaters that need to be removed from the earth.

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How does Dr Ardis know what Bing Liu was getting ready to do before he died? Ardis says that Bing Liu's research hasn't been published as promised. It actually has, and none of it is related to snake venom. He was studying covid but never, before or after his death, addressed any theory on snakes. I found 6 studies published after his death. Ardis said none of his work was published after his death..false.

Here are some links to studies posted AFTER Liu's death:

1. https://www.embopress.org/doi/full/10.15252/msb.202110239

2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140673620310229

Additionally, Ardis states that snake venom was found in critical covid patients. False. a phospholipase called spla2-iia. It is found in humans and is elevated in covid, sepsis (documented in 2017). Ardis indicates that because spla2-iia is seen in high levels in covid patients that this proves snake venom poisoning. No, it proves that a molecule common to snakes and humans, that has been proven for years to be elevated in sick humans, was again found in sick humans. Dr. Ardis uses these commonalities to make his case. He forgets that snake venom contains many compounds that, TOGETHER, cause toxic poisoning in humans. One or 2 short chain molecules or proteins or peptides won't do it. Dr. Ardis might be surprised, but...since all living things come from a creator, we find many similarities between humans, animals, reptiles, birds, fish, plants etc. Heck, Human DNA and a banana have a 60% DNA match.

Ardis first says the spike protein was manipulated via gain of function to express snake venom peptides (peptides naturally found in humans as well.) Then he says snake venom is being dumped in the water. Which is it? Are we drinking venom or is this a virus that has been altered to use some molecules from venom to enhance the virus? He can't even answer that. How do you advance a theory without even establishing which of these it is?

Many trusted doctors have come out against this. Including frontline docs, Lee Merritt, Kat Lindley, Richard Fleming.


Steve Kirsch announced that he and his organization would be "distancing themselves" from Dr. Ardis and his venom theory.


When I spoke to Ardis he indicated I should look for recent videos from Karen Kingston and from Dr. Judy Mikovits, backing his theory. He didn't give me specific links. I found nothing from either person validating his theory and have reached out to Dr. Judy Mikovits and to Karen Kingston for comment. The most recent video I found from Dr. Mikovits, (April 15) reiterated her chimeric virus theory and made no mention of snakes or snake venom.

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I can tell you almost exactly what Bing Liu actually discovered just before his death. Bing Liu was an expert in redox physiology, ferroptosis, iron metabolism, et cetera. SARS-CoV-2 causes a severe ROS storm and iron metabolism dysregulation that leads to ferroptosis and parthanatos. He probably knew this. It's almost common knowledge that COVID-19 is an oxidative stress inducing virus, now.




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How does Ardis know what Bing Liu was researching? He just assumes it was snake venom. I don't have any issue with considering alternate theories, but before we start doing documentaries and declaring we've found THE answer, some proof should be given.

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That is the health Ranger report. It isn't really all that independent as he's the one who gave ardis so much air time.

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I saw it.

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Yes very astute Patrick. Even a cursory read of the article he cited "Like venom coursing through the veins..." affirms that the spla2-iia is of the normal human origin seen in humans during illness and inflammation. I do a lot of research and found it interesting that elevated Metalloprotease is seen in MS, cancer, alzheimers. Interesting data for sure. Much of Kentucky is back in the red so I reached out to our local water treatment plant to see how they handle security. Our facility was built in the last 5 years. It is locked down. It has an electronic security gate. They keep an electronic log and sign in of anyone entering the gates and facility. I asked how likely they felt it was that anyone could get in and access the water supply unauthorized. He said that when they first opened the new site, he couldn't remember the codes to get in and had to wait an hour for another supervisor to get there. He offered me a tour but said I could not take any video for security reasons. I feel pretty confident that truckloads of synthetic snake venom aren't causing this latest surge in cases. What makes more sense is that it's the jab. As a retired RN I have many doctor, nurse, and lab friends. They've been commenting on the low white blood counts they are seeing in the jabbed, even a year later. Also many of the cases are kids who weren't born during the early days and are now picking up the virus. Interestingly, I have a friend at the university who is doing research and she says they are seeing a marked uptick in cancers and that they are moving more aggressively than she had seen prior. I told her I have had people from the USA and other parts of the world reach out with aggressive cancers. I've worked with 12 glioblastoma patients. Their life expectancy has been under a year...average 5 months. Already very advanced on diagnosis. Small cell lung cancers, stage 4 at diagnosis, patients dead in under 2 months. I've had 8 of those. Rapid onset pancreatic cancer with metastasis at diagnosis ...I think I'm at 7 on that one. Crazy. I've also had people from the UK reach out with what sounds like heavy metal poisoning. Soon after the jab they experience extreme hair loss, teeth getting lose and falling out, bone marrow failure....scary.

Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading your articles.

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you are taking it out of context!! Here is an update of Ardis that you also obviously didn't listen to https://rumble.com/v10r8pq-dr.-bryan-ardis-snake-venom-update-its-not-about-the-water.html and there are a lot of other links that you do not know off, so you won't cut it neither.. 1+1=

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More squabbling while the reality makers have moved on and are closing the global fist around our necks! Its important to get to the bottom of things, so open calm friendly debate is essential. CO INTEL PRO is rampant, people invent further error from erroneous ,a priori ,assumptions, and MUCH HAY IS MADE!! Remember who invented the WEB (INTER NET), DARPA! So whats does a web do? What does a net do? Capture!!!

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Yes always stay OPEN but also UNBIASED until the facts are 100% and that is not even close with this topic! Now if this is the case and Ardis is right, I can see in the coming week ahead something coming to get our heads from it bc if they do it through the water, then they need to distract us from waking up more people. If let say this month nothing happens then maybe but Artis has a good case for further investigation and that is a fact.

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""Perhaps the snake venom is simply part of the adjuvant in the Covid vaccines, since study has shown that the presence of certain snake venom can preserve mRNA for literally decades"". https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22879897/ or https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3413681/ or https://www.researchgate.net/publication/230645936_Unusual_Stability_of_Messenger_RNA_in_Snake_Venom_Reveals_Gene_Expression_Dynamics_of_Venom_Replenishment

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Human have these peptides in our flesh....Most people die from: > Out-of-control bacterial infections leading to sepsis also promote extreme secretions of sPLA2-II, mimicking venom-poisoning.

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Can also be...

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Thank You, my dear!!!! You hit even more than I did!!! 👍🙏

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He did say that he got the idea fro a tv show - I definitely heard Ardis say that - aybe you just love the drama of the whole show coz that's what Stew and Ardis did - put on a show - ask yourself what they are selling - are they selling anything of the back of this

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And if you think he is doing this to sell something then that goes for McCullough, Malone, Zelenko, Merritt, Urso, Kory, Vliet, Mikovits etc. as well. They are all making money from what they are doing as it pertains to COVID. Most of these people need to eat and many have had their careers ended. Sorry you are off base here.

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You just gave yourself away. Guess how?

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I have nothing to hide or "give away". you are very strange

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In a world saturated with 'strange', I am a bit player. That you mentioned the names of other researchers as 'whataboutism' is strange to me. Happy Easter, Karen.

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People are accusing Ardis of doing all of this to make money. My logical argument to that baseless accusation is the same theory should be applied to all the others making money too. Does making money discount the facts when presented. Does making money prove that Zelenko and all the others are fakes? No it does not.

So Ardis making money does not prove he is a fraud. Making money is not what we should be focusing on. We should be more concerned with the information and the growing evidence that proves we ARE BEING MURDERED.

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WRONG. He saw the TV show AFTER he had started digging and when he saw the show it blew him away. He got the idea to start researching his theory from Dr. Bartlett that sent him a test message. Perhaps you should listen again.

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Regardless of when he said it he said it - and it still doesn't make it true - why are you so invested in this being true - how come you don't like other people having their own opinion -

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How come you don't like others having an opinion and not agreeing with what you say. You are doing exactly what you accuse me of doing. I believe what he has said because he has provided research and documentation. When someone comes up with research and proof instead of opinion to prove him wrong I will have faith in what he says. I have done some digging of my own and I find that there are others that have found this theory to have merit even before Dr. Ardis. I am not wrapped up in the water thing like so many others seem to be. I do believe we are being poisoned and water could very well be a part of that agenda.

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I have no problem with people having an OPINION. BUT opinions are not facts. Ardis brought proof. Where is Patrick's proof that Ardis is wrong?

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And of people in this area still do not know that they put messages into series and movies.. then no idea about the scope of things. See for the series https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2384811/ and tell me that there are no connections to this pLandemie...

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How about researching it yourself? I certainly did.

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Reiner is an agent as well - you are a very confused fellow

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Where is YOUR proof that Fuellmich is an agent. Cough up the proof or shut your pie hole.

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Reiner is notorious in Germany - he didn't win those cases against Deustche Bank or VW you know - and he left his clients in the lurch - he also on the board of an organisation that took Soros funds and NO I ain't gong to go find that stuff to show you as it is in German and y translator is making my dinner right now AND I can't be bothered with people who blindly believe everyone who presents as a saviour - we will all find out at some point what Reiner is really doing and if he makes you feel hopeful so be it - as for me I think he is dangerous and is collecting all the actual opposition in one place to make it look like he is doing something real - I don't care what you think about that as it is an opinion I share with many others who are not hoodwinked into hopium and drama - btw that Fischer Woman is really really stupid

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Perhaps you should warn Patrick about Fuellmich because it appears he has been fooled as well. He will be touring with Fuellmich. So I guess you can add Patrick to the same list of fools that you have me on as well. Or Gee maybe Patrick is a Russian spy or something nefarious too.

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You are a very stupid person you know...gtfo with your BS bc you are the agent here my god

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typical response from someone that has not data to prove Dr. Ardis is wrong. You can have your own opinion but you cannot have your own facts and data. Until he is proven wrong I will continue to hear him out.

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It was not on you or I have this thread wrong? I see it like you see it bc I am open to it and it is just too early to discard Ardis like some do here...

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Bryan Ardis' theory is flat-out incorrect. The closest thing to there being "snake venom" in SARS-CoV-2 are possible gene sequence matches in certain motifs in the Spike:


And that's it. That's literally the only thing about SARS-CoV-2 that has anything to do with snake venom. Patrick was correct. Everything else Bryan Ardis said was flat-out wrong.

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He might be right about Ardis but opinion is NOT fact. Where is his proof to prove Ardis wrong? We can all have our opinions but we cannot have our own facts. Ardis brought evidence to the table and there are others that agree with him. So those that disagree need to bring forward THEIR proof but so far all we have gotten is opinions against what Ardis said. We have a global elite that want to kill billions of people and they will do whatever it takes to make it happen.

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Good 'ole Karen...the GOP hack! I wouldn't trust anything she says. Sorry, Karen, I followed your, so-called, "work" against Agenda 21 back in the day but it all went out the window when you jumped on the trump train and started pimping yourself out for the GOP. How sad. I find it unbelievable that you are questioning Patrick Wood. LOL I might not always agree with Patrick but he is no GOP hack, like you. Geesh....

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So because I supported Trump everything else "went out the window?" You sound just like everyone on the left. If you do not agree with me or vote for who I think you should vote for you are pimping yourself out??? I do not question Patrick Wood I question his OPINION. Opinions are not facts and all Patrick has shared is his opinion. Not one fact to prove what Dr. Ardis said is untrue. Ardis had a lot of FACTS and documents to prove what he is saying. Others doctors and researchers agreed with him including Dr. Judy Mikovits. Sorry but I choose to lean toward these experts research than others OPINIONS. Could Ardis be wrong? Yes. But he could also be right. But until others produce facts to prove what he has is not accurate then we do ourselves a disservice to follow like sheep. So Trump is gone and now we have Biden. Are we better off with Biden than we were with Trump?? No matter what you think about Trump this country was in better shape under him than we have been in a long time. The fact that the left did what they did to destroy him tells me all I need to know.

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BS...you drank the kool-aid.

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So you need 'experitse' to have an opinion do you - that sounds like 'trust the science' mentality

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OPINIONS... we each have one... We know SV-40 was put in the polio shot - I. got full body paralytic bulbar polio from it. Pharma - disrespected principals of crossing animals DNA with human DNA. We know they have been putting low dose fluoride in the water for decades - could that be contributing to the increasing appearance of stupidiy exhibited in the populous? Or ignoring lead in water like in Flint, Michigan. Historically venom has been used in medications, etc heart meds, etc. Prior to that 'magicians/sorcers have used venom across multiple nations across centuries. Once the $$$ liability was legally removed from pharma for vaccines the strangely autism rates escalated from 1/10,000 to currently 1/35ish. A great money maker, and spawn many other therapie$. Have you read the Drudge Report projection, as carved in stone in the Georgia Guidestones? Or listed to Schawb about needing to reduce the population? What about mercury (silver fillings) used by dentists that are toxic? The list of idiotic actions is endless, mask on, mask off, 6ft illusion, remdesivir's killing fields In hospitals, and you choose to favour the three letter agency options over pages of abstracts about the side effects and studies on venom - ...Surface research is dangerous to all of us, and it's evil. Sometimes we need to check to see if the pot is we are calling black is a reflection of our limited scope in that field of endeavour.

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Excellent, thanks. But by yoiu saying he is claiming snake venom is poisoning people, that is not true; rather, that is shorthand for saying it is human created snake peptides. I just listened myself now. He also says the water issue is not central and to focus on that is a red herring. The key seems to be where the venom **derived** Covid shot is the issue. So, with all due respect, I think you are misrepresenting him. On the other hand, Ardis needs to come clean and have an open discussion with Kirsch, the PhD you note in your article, Nass, and others.

The solution is simple to all this: We need, as true heirs of the renaissance and the scientific method, to do true peer-review. Respectfully challenge, as did Steven Kirsch, to an open discussion to we can get to the bottom of this this. If Ardis refuses, that in itself is an answer. This is not a difficult not to crack - make the challenge respectfully, but publicly. Engage Mike Adams publicly.

I don't know if Ardis is right or not, but we owe it to the watching public to show that we, the non-Big Pharma, and non fasco-Marxists, are respectful yet practice true science. What a witness to the world.

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Thank you Patrick. I appreciate your down to earth commentary. I haven't seen the video yet however the sensational approach Dr. Ardis and Mr. Peters use in reporting at times makes me skeptical so I generally dig deeper if I am interested in their subject. I haven't experienced that skepticism when I read or watch your reports. Granted none of us are perfect and it's always prudent to do our own research. I am usually familiar with your subjects. You are appreciated.

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With all due respect, I think youve done exactly what you are accusing Ardis of doing. Ardis laid out his facts with screenshots of all, that’s ALL, of his research on a 3 part Brighteon TV interview. I suggest you watch those interviews and present data or your own research contradictory, prior to commenting on his. He lays it all out, every step that he took, showing 3rd party and peer reviewed research sources.





And Here:


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Enjoy having your head in the sand, my dear!!!! (Smile….)

You haven’t studied the Cabal anywhere near enough.

You don’t know Fauci near enough. Look up the AIDS virus that was put in the required TB shots for gays and drug users back in the 80’s. Yes, in fact, AIDS is man made along with HIV, Ebola, MERS, etc… Look up the patent numbers!!! (HIV is also in the jabs.)

You didn’t watched Mike Adams and Ardis in parts 1, 2 & 3. How can 36 different deadly venoms be found in a blood test during an autopsy of someone who died from Covid? If I remember right, he had taken the jab.

You haven’t listened to Mike talk about how venoms from animals and marine life have been in allopathic, as well as, natural medicine for ages. You also haven’t listened to Dr Ariyana Love (naturopath) give Stew more real patent numbers that correspond with the Snake Venom in the jabs.

Have you taken a look at the CDC articles written on how diseases and outbreaks are linked to drinking water? Or any other wastewater articles? Why are they so vigorous now about testing the wastewater only in specific cities. Statistically speaking have more people died of Covid in those same cities?

If you would like more information, I’m sure one of us will be happy to point you in the right direction!

Wishing everyone a Great Weekend and Happy Easter!!!!!

Take Care!!!

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Thank you, Mr Wood, for this excellent analysis. I was skeptical from the beginning of this for all the reasons you've listed. And I will add this: for the video to be an "emergency, we must get this out to the public," program, it was a red flag that they had time to add a soundtrack to the video, complete with well timed emotional tunes and harmonies!

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You're welcome and I am glad if it helps. Peters stated that the "documentary" was in production for a couple of weeks prior to release, and teasers were put out early on that a big announcement was coming. In other words, it was choreographed and promoted as an event.

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I’m not ruling anything out, I keep my mind open. When we are dealing with Frankenstein Scientists the possibility is endless, I don’t trust any of them.

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It’s been a growing curse upon the Church of God that people become followers of fables instead of followers of the truth either because they forgot what the Word says or they haven’t studied it enough to know in the first place. too many Christians believe the “scripture verse” (from the Book of Hezekiah) that says man should “follow his heart” to experience the truth. MY bible says that “The heart of man is DECEITFUL ABOVE ALL THINGS”! Yeah, let’s follow that! God gave us His word so that we Won’t follow our own hearts and get into deception. I don’t believe Dr. Ardis was trying to deceive people, i believe he was emotionally convinced at the time he spoke and probably wishes he could take those words back. The Apostle Paul said of the believers in Berea that “these were more noble than those in Thesolonica in that the received the word will all readiness of mind, BUT searched the Scriptures daily whether these things were so.” We need that kind of personal responsibility and judgement once again. Thank you sir for “exhorting us unto righteousness”. We surly need the challenge to “study to show yourself approved unto God” that we don’t become shamed in the eyes of the World because we have “Rightly divided the Word of truth”. Much appreciate your courage.

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Fortune cookie? Lord have mercy. You can almost hear the elites' laughter...

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I think Original Covid was a poisoning - maybe Wuhan, northern Italy, NYC area, maybe San Fran and other places. So that formed the base - both of cases and symptoms and narrative. From there the “pandemic” was built by PCR and relabeling of cold, flu, and bacterial pneumonia.

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There is no covid - never was - it's not s virus or poison or snake venom - the entire thing is fake to make you get jabbed -

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We don’t really disagree. I just think they used a catalyst. And whatever you think of reported personal experiences with some unusual affliction those reports are a thing.

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The 5g was turned on in every place where there were spikes in the beginning and that is probably what is still causing illness - Both in Italy and China where the 'outbreaks' began in 2019-2020 - in Italy they also jabbed all the oldies with flu jabs BEFORE so called covid outbreak AND turned on the 5g - then called covid like in Wuhan - there isn't a virus going around obviously

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Sure, all of it is fake and there was nothing. There was 100% something to start it off and this can be a good explanation. See all the links before digging your ego in the sand...

Here are some good links to research people bc I am not saying that it is BUT we need to investigated it more and not after a few days without any good backing trow it already out of the water. Also research the researchers bc a few a death!









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While you are denying Dr. Ardis, he got the information from a Scientist that did study the genetic sequencing, and that Scientist was not the only Scientist finding the same thing - and Dr. Ardis did do research on the side effects and adverse reactions written in the FDA websites citing the same exact physical problems as snake venom that has been shown to be the exact same as side effects from the injections., and Dr. Fauci so called solution Remdesivir ? So where is your proof that he is wrong? There are so many possible different experimental lots that went out to the public, where it is possible that some areas received this type of experimental injection and others received mRNA of a different mixture.?

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Genetic sequencing is another fraud - and DNA aint what we thought it was either - viruses aren't the only lie we've been told - a bit like going to the moon -Titanic - WW1 - WW2 - gravity - 911 - etc

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Believe what you want and others are free to believe what they want. I thought the research was quite good and telling. There are those of us who believe that this is a war between Satan and God as God gave Satan 1000 years to try to prove himself and do his damage, but he can't get all of us.

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Excellent, thanks. But by yoiu saying he is claiming snake venom is poisoning people, that is not true; rather, that is shorthand for saying it is human created snake peptides. I just listened myself now. He also says the water issue is not central and to focus on that is a red herring. The key seems to be where the venom **derived** Covid shot is the issue. So, with all due respect, I think you are misrepresenting him. On the other hand, Ardis needs to come clean and have an open discussion with Kirsch, the PhD you note in your article, Nass, and others.

The solution is simple to all this: We need, as true heirs of the renaissance and the scientific method, to do true peer-review. Respectfully challenge, as did Steven Kirsch, to an open discussion to we can get to the bottom of this this. If Ardis refuses, that in itself is an answer. This is not a difficult not to crack - make the challenge respectfully, but publicly. Engage Mike Adams publicly.

I don't know if Ardis is right or not, but we owe it to the watching public to show that we, the non-Big Pharma, and non fasco-Marxists, are respectful yet practice true science. What a witness to the world.

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Well Patrick I think your wrong and people are proving it lol go watch the interview from flyover conservative today watch Mike Adams watch Karen Kingston she shows u patents

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No, Bree. You must listen to the video that I clearly referenced at the top of my article: https://rumble.com/v10mnew-live-world-premiere-watch-the-water.html That is the only video I referenced and no other.

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I watched it 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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Who knows what is true. One truth though, people were murdered! These deaths were all intentional.

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