Let’s say that I drove to downtown Phoenix to attend the symphony on a nice summer evening. After I park in the nearby public garage, I walk out to the sidewalk to make the short trek to the ticket office. However, as I look down the side street, I notice a string of 10 buses with Black Lives Matter printed on the sides. Worse, the buses were unloading their occupants (like 400 people) to the street and could be seen carrying various objects of destruction, like baseball bats, crowbars and hammers.
Should I be alarmed? Should I just go to the theater and not worry about the potential rioters? After all, they didn’t destroy anything… yet. Or should I make a hasty retreat for my car and get out of the downtown area as fast as possible?
What would YOU do?
Well, magnify that picture by orders of magnitude and grasp what is going on in New York City. It’s a disaster-in-waiting that could make 9/11 look like a church picnic. It’s a clear and present danger of unprecedented magnitude.
The mayor of NYC has colluded with hoteliers to take massive payments to house and feed illegal migrants instead of happy, peaceful out-of-town tourists. This silent takeover went unnoticed until now, when it is discovered that no less than 50% of all hotel rooms in NYC are occupied by these migrants, all expenses paid: food, medical, food stamps, etc.
The following video is astonishing and must be viewed by anyone who needs to get out of harm’s way, because NYC is ready to blow sky-high when the gravy train stops.